Homily: Feast if St. Bartholomew
Feast if St. Bartholomew (John 1:45-51) “Skinned Alive”
Followers of Jesus in the Gospel are identified in three ways. The first level of followers was what is known as the twelve. We hear of Jesus selecting these men in the Gospel narratives. A list of names is given. The second level of followers were called apostles. These were people that encountered the risen Jesus and who he sent to evangelize the world. The last level of followers were the disciples of Jesus. There were many of these people, some of whom we know and many of whom are shrouded in history.
Bartholomew falls into all these categories. He is listed as one of the twelve in the Gospels. He saw the risen Lord and was sent out to preach the Good News and he certainly was a student of Jesus’ teaching. We believe he walked with Jesus during the three years of his ministry.
I visited the Sistine Chapel once and I was impressed not only with the ceiling that Michelangelo painted, but I was also struck by the painting of the final judgement on the wall of the chapel. Jesus returns in glory at the end of time. Some people are rising to him others are being cast into hell.
One of the people I was traveling with pointed out one of the figures that seemed most peculiar. The figure was a man who was holding his own skin in his hands as he looked up to heaven. I was told that this represented St. Bartholomew. There are many martyrs in the church, and they are depicted in art around Rome. Many of the paintings are quite Gory. Bartholomew was skinned alive. That is why he is holding his own skin. His martyrdom shows his dedication to the Gospel.
It is said that the peeling away of Bartholomew’s skin exposed his nervous system. He is there for the patron saint of all those with nervous conditions. We ask for his intercession today as we remember how so many people are suffering from mental illness right now. It has been a hard three years. May Bartholomew’s prayers bring us all healing.
Reflection Questions:
1. Were there only twelve apostles? Who were some other Apostles?
2. Bartholomew was open to the message of Jesus. Who do I know is open to meeting Jesus?
Dear Parishioners,
The Blessings Gift Shop will be closing this week until construction is complete. The construction workers will be removing the stained-glass window of John the Baptist tomorrow and it will be restored, and it will be reinstalled in the South wall of the new addition. This will be a wonderful feature of the Gathering Space.
There will be some sales of books and other items at Coffee Café this fall. Please watch the bulletin for details. The Blessings gift shop will have a beautiful area in our new addition. We look forward to this new store.
May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints watch over our troubled world today.
Fr. Mark