Homily: Twenty-eighth Thursday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-eighth Thursday of Ordinary Time (Ephesians 1:1-10) “Who Do I Speak For”

Today, we begin reading the Letter to the Ephesians at daily Mass. Paul begins with a greeting. He gives his qualification for writing the letter. He puts forth two qualifications.

The first qualification is that he has been picked out to be Jesus’ messenger. He uses the word apostle, but really in Greek he uses the word apostolos. The word had a special connotation. The Jews had a special ruling body called the Sanhedrin. This group rendered decisions about disputes. We might say it was like our Supreme Court.

When a decision was rendered about a disputed question an apostolos was designated to carry that decision out to the persons who had asked for a judgement. Paul considered himself a messenger of Jesus. Jesus was the one who was speaking through him.

Secondly, he says, that he is only a messenger for Jesus through the will of God. He says this with amazement. Paul had opposed Jesus earlier in his life. Jesus had called him my name in a mystical experience. Paul still was in awe of how his life had changed. He had done a 180 which he did not expect. Because of the miracle that had occurred in his life, he felt compelled to speak.

As Christian people we are all agents of the Lord. The question we might ask is if we always give accurate information to others about our faith and about the church. As a pastor I have met people who have been misled by Catholics who had poor information. For some this has caused unnecessary suffering. Some spiritual struggles have gone on for years.

We need to be humble enough to say that I don’t know, or I will have to ask about that. We might even have to apologize for being wrong. If we are unsure, we might need to do some research. I know I have done that. I usually look on it as a learning experience. Paul knew he did not have all the answers. If he was careful about what he said, we must be too.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Have I ever given others the wrong information about a faith question? How did I feel at that moment?

2.    Do I research religious questions when I am unsure? Where would I find good information?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Last weekend our revamped choir sang at the 11 a.m. Mass. It was a small group, but we have some new voices which is good to see. Do you have some musical ability? We could use your help. This would involve two practices a month and two Masses a month.

          Before COVID we had a pretty good size choir. It would be nice to build it up again. If you are interested in being a part of this revamped choir, please contact our office and you will be put in touch with Cheryl Bolt.

          We ask Our Lady of Peace to pray for our world today. The situation in Ukraine continues to be disturbing. We need divine assistance.



          Fr. Mark



Homily: Twenty-eighth Friday of Ordinary Time


Homily: Twenty-eighth Wednesday of Ordinary Time