14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
We all know that recently there was a Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe vs. Wade. The decision on whether abortion is legal has been returned to state legislatures. Roe vs. Wade was enacted in 1973 which was the year that I graduated from high school. From that time to this the church has taken a position against legalized abortion.
One would expect that Catholic church leaders would be happy today. Most are, but it is not a giddy happiness. How exactly are people of faith to approach this news. I have listened to many pro-life activists the last few days. There is a common theme in what many say. We are happy, but we are also aware that now is the time to concentrate on the need to care for woman and children in our society. Almost 20% of children in the United States live in poverty. If more children are born, they will need food, they will need education, they will need economic security.
Parents will need to have adequate paternity leave. Woman will need medical care as they live through their pregnancies and through the early years of their children’s lives. They will need to have childcare if they are to continue being a part of the work force.
Today we are happy that there is more respect for life in the womb. But we need to respect the dignity of human life everywhere. We need to find a way to end the scourge of war, the lack of adequate resources for the world’s population. With the climate change more prevalent, migration and other crises are only going to increase.
Many challenges lie ahead of us if we are pro-life. As many have said the pro-life struggle has not ended. It has only begun a new phase which will test our prolife stance and will show if we love as Jesus loved.
May Our Lady intercede for all of us as we try to protect all life.
Fr. Mark
P.S. Remember that we will have a groundbreaking on July 17th at our 11 a.m. Mass. We will have a ceremony outside after Mass and then there will be a reception. We would like as many people as possible to come together to pray for the success of our building process. May St. Damian, the patron saint of our construction project, pray for us.
PPS. Thanks to Cliff Zerull for donating and installing a handrail on the West Door.